2006 Issue

www.utahengineerscouncil.org 31 UECJOURNAL February 2006 UTAH COUNCIL OF LAND SURVEYORS SOCIETY FORUM The Utah Council of Land Surveyors (UCLS) recognizes that service to the public and state is a fundamental obligation of the professional surveyor. Additionally, we are dedicated to the pro- motion and protection of land surveying as a social and economic influence, vital to the welfare of the community. Further- more, we promote harmony, cooperation, and mutual understanding among all pro- fessional land surveyors and those associ- ated with the surveying profession. To in- sure high ethical standards is achieved and maintained, the membership of UCLS agrees to abide to a “code of ethics” and practice integrity in all aspects of their life. What is integrity? May I suggest that integrity is a value, like persistence or courage. Integrity is the quality that locks in your values and causes you to live consistently with them. Fur- thermore, integrity is the foundation of strives to do, excellent work on every oc- casion. The totally honest person recog- nizes, sometimes unconsciously, that every- thing he or she does is a statement about whom he or she really is as a person. When you start a little earlier, work a little harder, stay a little later and concentrate on every detail, you are practicing integrity in your work. Whether you realize it or not, your true level of integrity is apparent and ob- vious to everyone around you. Trust, de- pendability, responsibility and motivation will increase as integrity is increased. War- ren Buffet said, “In looking for people to hire, look for integrity, intelligence and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.” Ask yourself this question: What are your most important values in life? Your What Is Integrity? To ensure high ethical standards is achieved and maintained, the membership of UCLS agrees to abide to a “code of ethics” and practice integrity in all aspects of their life. By Steve V. Keisel P.L.S., 2004 UCLS State Chair UTAH COUNCIL OF LAND SURVEYORS www.ucls.org Cha i r Matt Clark Chair-Elect/Treasurer Dave Balling Executive Secretary/Newsletter Ed i t o r Pauline Barney UEC Representative Steve Keisel Contact Information UCLS Office Phone: 801-964-6192 Email: ucls@ucls.org The totally honest person recognizes, sometimes unconsciously, that every- thing he or she does is a statement about whom he or she really is as a person. When you start a little earlier, work a little harder, stay a little later and concentrate on every detail, you are practicing integrity in your work. character. Developing character means dis- ciplining oneself to do more and more of those things that a thoroughly honest per- son would do, under all circumstances. Furthermore, to be impeccably honest with others, you must first be impeccably hon- est with yourself. One can tell how high their level of integrity is by simply looking at the things they do in day-to-day situations. What is the reaction or response to the inevitable ups and downs of life? The external mani- festation of high integrity is high-quality work. A person who is totally honest with themselves will be someone who does, or continued on page 34 ▲