2011 Issue

12 main intersection, and providing longer distances in which weaving (common to intersections in close proximity to freeway interchanges) can occur. The simplified signal phasing also simplifies signal coordi- nation, while the installation of medians and signalized U-turns allows safe and protected access to both sides of the median. Micro-simulation modeling of this solution showed a decrease in average vehicle delay at the intersection from nearly 2 minutes to only 26 seconds per vehicle. This represents a delay reduction of nearly 80% while at the same time serving 100% of the anticipated 2030 traffic demand! While left turning vehicles do experience some minor inconvenience inout-of-direction travel,modeling showed that left turn travel times were still reduced for 82% of left turners in 2030 (despite nearly 1200 feet of out-of-direction travel required to make an equivalent left turn movement). This indicates that over time even left turners will not likely perceive much additional inconvenience since they will spend more time moving and less time sitting at an over-congested intersection. OpeningDay (2011) analysis indicatesauserbenefitof nearly$1million will beprovided inthe first yearofoperation (calculatedbasedondelay reduction compared to a “do nothing” scenario). This tremendous benefit is achieved at a total project cost of only $4 million, which in the world of road construction represents a phenomenal value to the traveling and taxpaying public. Branding the ThrU Turn To help the public better understand and embrace this new concept, UDOT initiated a multi-faceted public communications strategy that focused on intuitive design, a reinforcing brand concept, and simple andclearmessaging. To simplify the redirected left turn concept from ananalysisperspective, thestudy teamhadalreadyassumedthat all of the left turns (except for westbound lefts) wouldbe re-routed through themain intersectionwheretheywouldmakeaU-turnat anewsignal a little further down the road. Theywould thenmakea right turnback at themain intersection to complete the redirected left turnmovement. This combinationofmovementswas considered themost intuitive for drivers who would already be in the far left-hand lane to make a left turn, and finding themselves unable to make a left at their intended locationwouldautomaticallybeginlookingforaplacetomakeaU-turn. Consequently, this series of movements was adopted not only in the operations analysis, but in both the signing design and the creation of the ThrU Turn Intersection (TTI) brand. Messaging and communication materials were prepared to reinforce thebrandconcept,tosimplydescribetheproblem,andthentooutline themajor benefits of this solution. Communicationmaterials included flyersforbusinessesandresidents,aninstructionalvideoformediause, webuse,andtheaterrelease,andinformativepostcardsforlawenforce- ment touseduring theprobationary enforcement phaseof operation. Construction Schedule An additional benefit to this innovative design, and a significant contributor to the low construction cost, is its minimal impact to the intersection. Concentrated improvements around the less restricted U-turnlocationsandotherminorwideningandimprovementsmakethis aquickandeasyprojecttoconstruct.ThenewThrUTurnintersectionis expectedtotakeapproximatelythreemonthstoconstructwithminimal constructionimpacttotheadjacenthighdemandthoroughfares.Work isexpectedtobegininthespringof2011andwelookforwardtoseeing the new intersection in operation in just a fewmonths time. Giving Credit Where Credit is Due Theimplementationofnewconceptsrequiresacommitmenttoinnova- tionthatextendsfarbeyondwhatoneorganizationisabletoaccomplish alone. We believe strongly in the value of collaborative efforts, and are grateful to the many individuals and organizations that have gone out on a limb tomove this project forward. Some of these include the local legislativerepresentatives(whohelpedsecurefundingforimprovements atthisintersection);thecitymanagementandengineeringstaffatDraper City;themayorandthesupportingCityCouncilmembersatDraperCity; consulting partners at Project Engineering Consultants, Jacques and Associates,andIntrepid;andespeciallythededicatedUDOTleadership and staff that havemade this project a reality. Melvin Bodily is a Principal at Avenue Consultants, a transportation and planning firm headquartered in Salt Lake City. He has a broad range of transportation, land planning, and consulting experience in the optimization of urban engineering solutions. His focus over the last several years has been to implement innovative traffic solutions that offer exceptional benefits and cost savings to the traveling public. He graduated with a BS in Civil Engineering from Brigham Young University in 1999, and is a registered professional engineer in six Western states. Bodily