2011 Issue

Membrane Bioreactors and Nutrient Removal Aeration and Aerobic Digestion Systems Carrousel ® and Sedimentation Waste-to-Energy Anaerobic Digestion Systems Creating Value in Water September 2010 marked the beginning of a new global force in the water sector, dedicated to bringing the latest thinking, proven technologies and the most advanced application knowledge to the municipal and industrial water, and wastewater markets around the globe. Some of the most advanced names in the water, wastewater and pure water came together to create a brand new global water business called Ovivo. These include Eimco Water Technologies, Enviroquip, Brackett Green and Christ Water Technology. We won’t claim to be the biggest. But we will aim to be the best. Ovivo will be driven by one goal –to create value in water through innovation, creativity and expertise. Tomorrow is looking very different. ovivowater.com © Copyright 2011 GLV. All rights reserved. Carrousel ® is a registered trademark of DHV, B.V., the Netherlands PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SALT LAKE CITY, UT PERMIT NO. 508 3222 Bigarade Lane Taylorsville, UT 84118 PUBLISHED BY NEWSLINK MARKETING & PROFESSIONAL PUBLISHING SERVICES, LLC | 1.888.745.4003