2012 Issue

9 Finding an Opportunity to Participate This is a great way to give back to the profession that we love and broaden our network in the industry. I T HAS BEEN a great privilege for me to serve as the chair of the Utah Engineers Council this year. Representing ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers), I attended the first UEC board meeting three years ago. At first it was difficult to understand how the UEC functioned and its purpose. However, as continued to stay involved, I began to understand and embrace the UEC objectives. Serving in UEC has given me a unique opportunity to work with distinguished engineers and professionals in engineering fields. The UEC consists of representatives from fifteen member societ- ies. Each represents a unique perspective from the wide spectrum of our engineering industries. Through my association with the UEC representatives, I’ve gained a deeper understanding and appreciation of the various engineering disciplines other than my own. A few of the many disciplines represented are electrical, chemical, civil, structural, military, mechanical, environmental, and aeronautic and astronautics. All the officers and representatives from the different engineer- ing societies volunteer their time to serve on the UEC. The Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer are elected by the representatives on an annual rotation basis. The former chairs of the first and second year also serve as committee chairs to help guide its function of UEC. The UEC holds monthly meetings to discuss the progress of our functions. Our primary goal is to advance and promote the art and science of engineering in the State of Utah. The annual awards banquet is the most important event of UEC, where outstanding engineering professionals are recognized. Awards are also given to educators who make significant contributions in engineering studies. A one thousand dollar scholarship is given to an out- standing student from each of the three accredited engineering programs from Brigham Young University, University of Utah and Utah State University. As I complete my service as the chair of UEC, I hope you will find opportunity to participate in the engineering society in your field and support the function. This is a great way to give back to the profession that we love and broaden our network in the industry.  Message From The Council’s Chair PETER TANG, P.E. (ITE) Utah Engineers Council Chair 2011-2012 Utah Engineers Week 2012 Utah Engineers Council appreciates and acknowledges the support of Van Cott and other contributors in celebration of the Engineers Week 2012. Utah Engineers Council congratulates all nominees of the Engineer of the Year, the Engineering Educator of the Year and the Fresh Face in Engineering of the Year awards, outstanding Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Teacher for 2012, and all scholarship recipients.