2018 Issue

18 EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR Dr. Mitsuru Saito Brigham Young Professor, ITE The Utah Chapter of the Institute for Transportation Engi- neers nominated BYU Professor Dr. Mitsuru Saito for Utah Engineering Educator of the Year. Dr. Saito really cares about his students. He has an open-door policy, where students can meet with him whenever he is in his office and he is willing to take time to explain difficult concepts. Examples of his research: Developing a Method to Identi- fy Horizontal Curve Segments with Worst Crash Histories Using the HAF Algorithm; Analysis of Access Management Impacts; Calibration of the Signal Performance Metrics System’s Volume/Speed Data. Example Papers: Roadway Safety Modeling in Utah Using the Roadway Safety Analy- sis Methodology; Use of Hi-resolution Data for Evaluating Accuracy of Traffic Volume Counts Collected by Microwave Sensors; Development of Crash Prediction Models for Curved Segments of Rural Two-Lane Highways. Jed Lyman presents the nominee plaque to Dr. Mitsuru Saito EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR Dr. David Fullwood Brigham Young Professor, SAMPE The Utah Chapter of the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering nominated BYU Professor Dr. David Fullwood as Utah’s Engineering Educator of the Year. David Fullwood is a member of the Materials group in the Mechanical Engineering Department at BYU. Fol- lowing his PhD in mathematics he spent 12 years working for the nuclear industry in the UK. As Head of R&D and Head of Mechanical Engineering he developed high-speed energy storage flywheels based on novel composites for two spin-off companies. The result was the most high-tech flywheel available, with applications on the NY Metro, a Fuji wind farm and other areas requiring energy smoothing. Dr. Fullwood returned to academia in 2004, with a brief spell at Drexel University followed by his current position at BYU. He now focuses on composites / nano-composites, micros- copy and computational methods in materials science. UEC Chair Jed Lyman presents Dr. David Fullwood with his Educator of the Year Nominee ENGINEER OF THE YEAR Evan Gabrielsen AECOM, SAME The Great Basin Post of the Society of American Military Engineers nominated Evan Gabrielsen Project Manag- er at AECOM, as Utah Engineer of the Year for the year 2018. Evan has 35 years’ engineering experience span- ning aerospace, advanced materials, demilitarization, and environmental engineering disciplines. He graduated cum laude from BYU in 1983 with a bachelor’s degree in me- chanical engineering. At Hercules, now Alliant Techsystems, Gabe was a development engineer, developing advanced high-temperature materials, and coordinating the design, manufacturing, and quality control of metal components on solid fuel space booster rockets. At El Dorado Engineering, he managed projects designing and constructing mechani- cal and thermal systems for the safe disposal of propellants and explosives. At AECOM, he is currently Project Manager for the Utah Test and Training Range Performance-based Remediation contract. His team investigates, samples, and applies State-approved chemical, mechanical and admin- istrative remedies to over 145 sites contaminated with fuels and oils, spent solvents, asbestos-containing materials, lead paint, mining wastes, and range debris that may include unexploded munitions. Brian Warner presents the nominee plaque to Evan Gabrielsen