2018 Issue

30 A ctive professional engineering societies in Utah form the Utah Engineers Council. Estab- lished in 1950, the organization has recognized excellence in engineering and has held an awards banquet annu- ally since 1962 at the end of National Engineers Week. Approximately 200 people from Utah attend the banquet every year. They include college engineering students, representatives from the engineering disciplines, university professionals, and other guests. This year’s banquet was held at the scenic Interform Club in the Rio Tinto Stadium. The event commenced with a social networking hour, and attendees were welcomed with the live music of Take Three, a smooth jazz quartet featuring saxo- phone, keyboards, bass and percus- sion. Dinner, and a program followed. The program included: • The Utah Governor’s Proclama- tion of Engineering Week pre- sented by Governor’s Office of Economic Development • UEC scholarships awards for $1,500 each to 13 engineering un- dergraduates studying in accred- ited engineering programs from Brigham Young University, South- ern Utah University, the University of Utah, Utah State University, and Weber State University • Recognition of the annual awards for the Fresh Face in Engineering, Engineer of the Year, and Out- standing Utah Educator • Recognition of the annual award to the MESA Teacher of the Year The 2018 keynote speaker was Dr. Kerry Kelly, a chemical and en- vironmental engineer who is an assistant professor at the University of Utah. Her work has focused on the links between air quality, ener- gy, and health. She is an expert on the air-quality challenges along the Wasatch Front, and through her work, she has fostered collaboration be- tween earth scientists, engineers, and health scientists as they research and work to solve local air quality issues. Her efforts have included leading a team from the University of Utah’s En- gineering Arts and Entertainment Pro- gram as they developed BadAirDay: Play It Like “UCAIR” at BadAirDay.org. This is a video game about air quality that teaches how local air quality can be affected by public policy and the choices people make. Dr. Kelly presented a compelling and informative overview of the evolution and causes of air pollution in Utah, 2018 UEC Awards Banquet