2020 Issue

64 AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Status: Active Members: 300 Elections: July Meetings: First Thursday of each month at 4 p.m. Website: https://info.aiaa.org/Regions/Western/Utah/default.aspx Chair John Metcalf Vice Chair Dr. Jessica Piness Secretary Spence Shupe Treasurer Mark Snaufer UEC Representative John Metcalf UTAH ENGINEERS COUNCIL MEMBER SOCIETIES 2019-2020 www.utahengineerscouncil.org AAEES American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists Status: Active Members: Elections: Meetings: State Representative/UEC Representative: Dannie Pollock ACEC Utah American Council of Engineering Companies of Utah Status: Active Members: 100 Elections: May Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month Website: https://www.acecutah.org/ 3222 West Bigarade Lane Taylorsville, Utah 84129 President Kerry Ruebelman P.G. VP or Vice Chair Michael Lasko P.E. Secretary Michael Smith Treasurer Diego Carroll P.E. UEC Representative Michael Smith